Fly with Pacha, into the Aerocene

Fly with Pacha, into the Aerocene

If the rental price poses a financial challenge for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info [at] We are more than happy to assist in finding a solution that enables you to enjoy the film.

All proceeds go to the communities of Salinas Grandes and the Laguna Guayatayoc basin in Jujuy, Argentina, facilitating their fight against lithium extraction and its devastating impacts on the region’s human and more-than-human ecosystems, while also nurturing environmental and ethical commitments to the planet and its inhabitants. 

An Aerocene film made possible by Verónica Chávez, Maristella Svampa, Alicia Chalabe, Graciela Speranza, Joaquín Ezcurra, Melisa Argento, Inés Katzenstein, Claudia Aboaf, Antonia Alampi, Alicia Andersen, Maximiliano Laina, DaeHyung Lee and BTS, Manuela Mazure Azcona, Lars Behrendt, Claudia Meléndez Rivera, Sarah Kisner, Gabriela Sorbi, Alberto Pesavento, Till Hergenhahn, Leticia Marqués, Verónica Fiorito, Sasha Engelman, Jol Thomson, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Emma Enderby, Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel, Yasmil Raymond, Francesca von Habsburg, Bronisław Szerszyński, Pablo Suárez, Nick Shapiro, Garance Primat, Carlos Almeida, Bill McKenna, Ludovica Illari, Daniel Birnbaum, Molly Nesbit, Barbara Bulc, Violeta Bulc, Sven Steudte, Josep María Llaidó, Gustavo Alonso Serafín, Ilka Tödt, Dario Laganà, Enrique Viale, and Gastón Chillier and all participants in this era of the Aerocene.

In the Andean culture, Pacha is a superior energy that organizes and harmonizes all inhabitants in the Cosmos. A message, a film, a journey around the sun with Pachamama, a space-time towards eras of complementarities, Fly with Pacha, into the Aerocene portrays the long-standing relationship between many ever-growing communities across multiple continents, documenting the ongoing collaboration between Aerocene and the Indigenous Communities of Salinas Grandes and Laguna de Guayatayoc, in Jujuy, Northern Argentina. Initiated in 2017, with additional archival fragments dating from 2006 onwards, this project is an ongoing dialogue with Kollas Indigenous Peoples, protecting their ancestral lands from lithium extraction, for eco-social justice in the name of the peoples of the Global South.

Directors: Maximiliano Laina and Tomás Saraceno Script: Claudia Aboaf, Tomás Saraceno, Iosi Havilio. Duration: 76 minutes. Languages: Spanish and English, subtitled.

Aerocene is an era-in-the-making, a community, a non-profit foundation.

Please note that the rental is intended solely for private or educational viewing purposes.
Are you interested in hosting a public screening? Write to us at info [at]!

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Fly with Pacha, into the Aerocene
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